Yes, web hosting affects the SEO ranking of your website. In SEO, there are many big and small factors that can change the ranking of a website on Google’s search engine page and one such aspect is hosting. No one will notice you on the internet if you are not ranking and your business will also not grow. So, it is very important that you carefully choose a hosting provider that can help with your SEO.

Let us find out how web hosting can affect the SEO ranking of your website:

  1. Uptime and Downtime

The uptime and downtime decide for how much time the website can be accessed through the hosting server. If the downtime is too high and the website can’t be accessed, then the ranking will decrease and the bounce rate will increase. The website will lose its reputation and authority. Look for a hosting provider, which ensures a minimum uptime of 99.9%.

  1. Loading Speed

If your website is not able to load within 2 seconds, then the ranking will decrease. Besides your website’s ranking, your visitors, sales and conversion will also decrease.

  1. Shared Hosting

If you have taken a shared hosting plan, then your website can get compromised due to data theft and lack of security. The search engine also doesn’t prefer websites hosted on shared hosting when compared to dedicated hosts and VPS. However, if you’re low on budget, we recommend you to choose reliable providers like Hostgator.

  1. Server Location

If your hosting provider doesn’t provide you server location for your website data close to your target audience, then the loading time will increase. The web hosting provider should be able to provide you data server location in the same place where your target audience is. Slow loading speed will result in a decreased ranking of the website.

  1. SSL Certificate

From an SEO point of view, an SSL certificate is very essential for a website these days. This ensures data encryption and protection of user data. Choose a web hosting that comes with a good SSL certificate. Many hosting companies offer free SSL these days.

  1. Hosting Restriction

Some hosting providers have weird restrictions such as the limitation of 1000 redirects or no access to their own .htaccess file. It might indirectly affect your SEO efforts and website ranking, so avoid such hosting providers.

  1. Website Protection & Backup

It’s true that reliability and speed should be your concern. At the same time, the security of the website is also important. The hosting server should be protected with the latest security technologies and software to give you peace of mind with website backup at regular intervals. In case your website is not protected or hacked, then it can badly affect the ranking of the website.

  1. Customer Support

The customer support of the hosting provider should be effective and instant whenever you need any solution. Your issues should be immediately addressed when your website is hacked or down. A website with no glitches will ensure good SEO performance.

  1. Hosting Tools

Some hosting providers also offer great SEO tools that can help you improve your website ranking and performance such as ranking data, site optimization, etc. These tools can be very beneficial for you as it comes with lots of features. If you choose web hosting that comes with such tools, then your SEO can have a positive impact on search engines.

10. Choose a hosting provider for your website very carefully. It may not provide your website with a boost in ranking but can certainly protect you from the negative consequences of selecting the wrong hosting provider.

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